Run, Run, Save your life

Hello everyone. In today's post, I am going to recall yet another incident that happened today. I was in my office and as you all might be aware, I am not a talkative person. So, I was minding my business and attending to work. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Abhinash Mohanty, called me and he told me that I have been chatting with this girl( this person told me that her real name is something else) and many boys have fallen prey to her tactics and gimmicks. 

This person tried to make it look real. In the background, I could hear fake police sirens which made me afraid for a moment. These incidents need to come up so that people who might get caught take necessary action to prevent themselves from getting caught. As we all are aware, in Indian society, if a man didn't do anything, he can be tried in a court and put behind bars.

So, I checked my Truecaller and everything and that profile appeared genuine. But then, when I was about to make payment, I saw this person's name on UPI handle: Virendra. I got alerted immediately and started washing my face with water. At one point, I thought that I got fucked. I told this man over call that I come from a respectable family and about my father's profession. This coward even went on to say that you will get your father suspended. I thought I am screwed. I dialed my friends and everyone was busy. Then, when I realized, that this was a hoax call, I told my friends when they called me back that there is nothing to worry about.

It was at this moment that I was shitting bricks. I knew that I was panicking and I would have already made the payment but then, I was saved. I know many of you might think that this incident is very normal and many of you reading this article will ignore it. But, my friends, anything and everyone should be taken seriously. I have known people in my family who have paid hefty price for their mindless actions. 

So, I always thought, that I am nice to everyone and I mind my own business. Good things would happen to me. But, I wouldn't say that I haven't done wrong. For instance, I have said things to my parents that hurt them. What happened in the past cannot be taken back, but these things make us realise that we should always be grounded. The most humble people are grounded and they never make anyone feel less respected. 

On a kind note, I would like to remind here: Horses are not getting grass and donkeys are eating Chawanprash. Gosh, this sucks! That feeling when you think that everyone's ignoring you, that moment when you think that you are being ignored, that feeling when you feel that the whole world is against you, but you have to rise up and shine. It will take everything to become a better version of yourself. 

So, how do you not fall prey to such things? Well, I shouldn't be the right person to tell you this but given the fact, that I have engaged with these people personally in my life, I think I could give it a shot. First and foremost, one should never get into these things. I had the feeling that I would get a girlfriend. I saw everyone around in my office and in college that everyone is hanging around with their friends. I am a loner and thought that I would get companionship. So, I started exploring different options. I came across this Flirtu Bot on Telegram and suddenly, out of blue, so many girls started approaching me. On Tinder and Bumble, the frequency of these matches were less but here on Flirtu bot, it was hilarious. In one minute, I started getting 10 likes. I started interacting with these unknown people, who had put up the photo of a girl.

In some cases, I paid money to these people and then got angry. So, I started writing whatever came to my mind. I literally abused these unknown people and asked they return my money back. Please note that the number of people I interacted with must have easily surpassed 100 at this point. I didn't speak in the same manner with every profile I came across( based on the profile picture, I interacted with these people), and in some cases, where I ended up losing money, I couldn't help but use this tone to get my money back. Now, I know that it's almost impossible to recover the money as I myself transferred funds to these people's accounts. I was not under the influence of someone or something that would have affected my ability to think clearly. So, yeah, I acted in desperation and this neediness to meet girls in person costed me heavily. I don't know what took over my brain. Whatever I had earned in my life, I ended up losing every last bit of it. No matter whether I earn 30k or 10k, I end up losing everything. I see other people around, and they seem to be normal.

No one is as reckless as I am. I am hellbent on destroying my life. I don't give a shit about my life or anyone. I just do what I like and that's making me feel empty and lonely. In every aspect, I am losing. I am losing money, friends, relationships, and experiences. I am not working on improving myself. But then I tell to myself, that even this is alright. I mean, you get to understand something only when you deal with it personally. There are very less people in this world who are smart enough to understand the reality of situation they are in by themseleves without any interference. Most people learn by experiences. 

The real story is that these people impersonate the profiles of young girls on these dating apps and websites. What I never did was that I never tried this because I am a man and would admire genuine relationships. But, I tell you what, these people impersonate the profiles of girls on various dating apps and websites and lure men into paying money. So, it's like hacking. If you aren't careful and trust everything that you see and hear, you will get cheated. In real life, these things aren't that simple. I mean, law enforcement agencies cannot simply put you behind bars just because you paid money to a woman thinking that you will get to see her and talk to her and said something to that woman on WhatsApp and Telegram. This is just absolute shit. Until you do anything that's disrespecting and abusive, there's no need to worry. I mean, I have been following Kshitiz Sehrawat's videos and it's important to ask for the consent of the other person. If you are interested, then you should directly approach the person. Otherwise, just back off and live life in peace. 

I am a simple person. I aim to inspire Indian men to get better. I don't regret that I didn't graduate from IIT or other premier engineering institute, because I know that character is the most important thing and other things can be built later. These people are very naughty, by the way, these people would go to any lengths to extort money from you. You should not get scared or worried. If, at any point, you do get worried or scared, you will lose it completely. These people will make you feel like you are the culprit. When this person said today, that one person had already committed suicide, I got real scared. There was these police sirens noises and it all felt very real. Yesterday, I did try to approach one girl in my office but she outrightly rejected my proposal. I was like, hey, excuse me, I think I like you. She said, I will talk to you later. Then, in the ODC, she approached me and said, hey, listen, did I give you any hint or signal. She told it is very inappropriate and immature of me to approach her like that. I got awestruck and simply left after apologizing. So, yeah, this was my second time approaching a girl out there in the open. First time I did this, I was in Chandigarh, the girl there too outrightly rejected me saying that go and study. A few seconds later, that girl got inside a car with someone unidentified men. These incidents are very normal and make us realise the importance of staying persistent and strong.

It should be our endeavour to approach every situation and person with caution. Be diligent, careful and restrict yourself to people and environments you feel comfortable with. You should go explore unknown territories and regions but always be familiar with what you are doing and what you are wanting to do.

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